Armadale-Kelmscott ww2
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Pages in category "Armadale-Kelmscott ww2"
The following 500 pages are in this category, out of 844 total.
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- Garnet Lyndsay Adams
- John Henry Adams
- John James Ainsworth
- Allan Hugh Aitken
- Arthur Matthew Aitken
- James Douglas Aitken
- Ronald Vincent Aitken
- Stefano Alberti
- William Alderson
- Douglas George Edgar Alexander
- Herbert Andrew Thomas Alexander
- John William Alexander
- Vincent Edgecombe Alexander
- Arthur Samuel William Alldridge
- Wilfred John Alldridge
- Ernest Charles Allen
- Joseph Victor Allen
- Ronald Keith Allen
- Ernest John Allen
- Claude Raymond Anderson
- Donald James Anderson
- Eric Anderson
- George Arthur Anderson
- Robert Neil Anderson
- Roy Cincinatus Anderson
- Victor (Ross) Anderson
- Kevin David Anderson
- Frederick John Anson
- George Neil Gow Armstrong
- Arthur Frederic Asser
- Leon Ernest Aubrey
- Roy Joseph Austen-Smith
- Walter Leonard Axford
- Arthur Harry Ayre
- Dorothy Blanche Babb
- Roma Joyce Babb
- Wilfred Henry Babb
- Cecil Francis William Bailey
- Allan Denman Baldwin
- Harold Baldwin
- Joseph Huntley Ball
- John (Jack) Balshaw
- John Arthur Banyard
- Marvin Redvers Cuthbert Barge
- Winston Gordon Barge
- Ernest Arnold (Arnold) Barnes
- Norman Denton Barrett
- Richard Barrett
- Stan John Barrett
- Alan Godfrey Barry
- James William Basell
- Herbert Arthur Batt
- Hubert Laurence Batt
- Casimir Jack Bavich
- George Walker Beales
- Harry Beard
- William Albert Beattie
- Sylvie Patricia Beckett
- Harold George Bell
- Jack Bell
- Raymond Eric Gerard Bennett
- William John Bennett
- Geoffrey Gordon Benson
- Graeme Patrick Benson
- Harry Wallace Benson
- Arthur George Berry
- William George Berry
- Sidney Ernest Berry
- Arthur Leworthy Bettenay
- Dorothy Mavis Bettenay
- Vernon Arthur Bettenay
- William Alfred George Bettesworth
- Thomas Douglas Bevan
- Adrienne Lorna Bevis
- Austin John Bevis
- Brian Bevis
- Thomas William Bingham
- Charles Leonard Bishop
- Robert Keith Blackburn
- Reginald Thomas Blackman
- Gavin Stirling Blackwood
- Macalister Adair Blain
- John Blair
- Reginald James Bollard
- Sidney Alfred Born
- Edward Francis Bowring
- Edward Ronald Bowring
- James Butler Boyd
- Joseph Butler Boyd
- Gordon Boyle
- John Edward Bradley
- Francis Thomas Briggs
- Alfred Thomas Brixey
- Harry Redcliffe Broadhurst
- Archie Howard Brockway
- Alan Henry Brockwell
- Albert Edward Brockwell
- Arthur Lloyd Brockwell
- James George Brockwell
- Henry Gottlieb Brooks
- Alan James Brown
- Edmond Hepple Brown MID
- Harry Cecil Brown
- Noel Aubrey Brown
- Harold Clare Brown MSM
- Oliver Donald George Bruce
- George Brushmeyer
- Patrick William Bryant
- Norman Gilbert Bryce
- James Bryden
- William Francis Buck
- Robert Thomas Buckenara
- Albert Victor Buckingham
- Alan Gordon Buckingham
- Frederick (Brian) Buckingham
- Maxwell John Buckingham
- Percival Norman (Percy) Buckingham
- Philip Stanley Buckingham
- Raymond Ernest Buckingham
- Ronald William Buckingham
- Douglas Walter Buckingham
- Keith James Buckingham
- Sidney John Thomas Buggins
- Herbert Bunney
- Jack David Bunney
- Robert (Mick) Bunney
- Sidney Roland Bunney
- Raymond George Bunney
- William George Burgess
- Joseph James Burrows
- Leonard James Burton
- Alan Clifton Navin Butcher
- Allan Butcher
- Arthur Levi Butcher
- Edgar Butcher
- Keith Butcher
- Raymond Edward Norton Butcher
- Raymond Henry Butcher
- Stanley Neil Butcher
- William Edward Butcher MM RMG MID
- Ernest Frank Butson
- Jack Cameron
- Roy Cameron-Smith
- Arthur (George) Candish
- Allan Bernard Cann
- Arthur Edward Cann
- Walter Charles Cann
- Leonard Charles Cant
- Alice (May) Cardinal
- Frederick Thomas Carlisle
- Herbert Patrick Carter
- Jack Cartwright
- Albert William Chadwick
- Desmond Cecil Challis
- Albert Chamberlain
- Harold Chamberlain
- Ernest Henry Chisholm
- Tony Ciprian
- Dudley Arthur Clairs
- John Henry Clark
- Frederick Charles Clarke
- Ivan Milton Clarke
- James Henry Clarke
- Arthur Clarke ww2
- Frederick Joseph Clough
- Raymond Victor Clough
- Dorothy Joy Cloutt
- Alfred Charles Cloutt
- Henry Thomas Cockram
- John Coffey
- George Ronald (Ron) Collier
- Herbert James Collier
- James Collier
- Billy Kendall Collins
- Joan Lucien Collins
- John Francis George Collins
- Joseph Charles Colton
- Ashley Claude George Moseley Cordy
- Lancelot (Lance) William Cornell
- Roy Lance Cornell
- Frank Lindsay Cornish
- Ronald Hamilton Cornish
- Norman Stanley Cosh
- Beatrice Mary Coulson
- Steven Ralph Cox
- William Frederick Cox
- Francis Victor Coyle
- Joseph L Coyle
- Rose May Coyle
- John Hartley Craddon
- Shirley Craddon
- Edward Henderson Craghill
- John Francis Craghill
- Richard Noel Craigie
- Joseph Craven
- John James Croasdale
- Arthur William Crook
- Hamilton John Crook
- Cyril Charles Cross
- Frederick Mervyn Cross
- Hammond Thomas Cross
- Arthur Henry Crouch
- Frank Croudson
- Nigel Croudson
- Allan George Cucel
- John Francis (Jack) Cucel
- William Leslie Cucel
- Melville Eric Cull
- Leslie Cornelius Cull
- Alexander Cumming
- Donald Walter Cumming
- Andrew Walker Cunningham
- James Winning Cunningham
- Thomas McFarlane Cunningham
- Albert Cecil Clarence Curtis
- Arvonia (Jean) Curtis
- Clarence Albert Curtis
- Harry Alfred Curtis
- Joyce Curtis
- Kenneth Roy Curtis
- Mona Curtis
- Stanley Gordon Curtis
- William Hasker Davenport
- Roy William Davey
- John Davidson
- Alfred John Davies
- Evan John David Davies
- Alfred James Davies
- William George Davis
- Harold Frank Davy
- Edward 'Gordon' Vidgen Dawson
- Frederick Haughton Dawson
- John Benjamin Vidgen Dawson
- John Deering
- Ronald Francis Deering
- Antonio Del Borrello
- Nicola Del Borello
- Stanley Gordon Demasson
- Henry George Dennis
- Gerald Kingsley Denny
- George Sydney Devereaux
- David Deverell
- Eric Gordon (Ricky) Devereux
- Rowland Basil Devereux
- Stanley Gordon Devereux
- Vivienne Dittman
- Charles William (Charlie) Divall
- Francis Tullan Kendall Dodds
- Mervyn Eric Doherty
- John Victor Doley
- John Douglas (Doug) Donald
- Leslie James Barr Donald
- Thomas Keith Donald
- Alan Kirwan Donaldson
- William Dykes Dougall
- Clifford Stanley Douglas
- Richard William Dowell
- Neil Frederick Dowell
- Mervyn Roy Drummond
- Denys Brettell Duke
- Patricia Duke
- Wilfred Brettell Duke
- Ivan Lindsay Dunn
- Cyril John Dunnell
- Norman Lenard (Bob) Dunnell
- Albert Henry Dyson
- Harold George Dyson
- Walter Edward Easter
- Donald Alexander Eatts
- Gordon James Eatts
- Thomas Egan
- Cecil James Talbot Eivers
- Thomas Geoffrey Eliot
- Philip Emanuel Ellice
- William Francis James Elliott
- Douglas John Elliott
- John Newell Ellis
- Thomas Douglas (Dougie) Ellis
- Edward Trayton Elvish
- George Gould Elworthy
- John Ernest England
- Eric William Evans
- Victor Charles Every
- Tasman Gladstone Ewart
- Cecil Sydney Fahey
- Ernest Arnold Fallon
- Clive Henry Fancote
- Edward Charles (Ted) Fancote
- Ivan Farac
- Austin Faulkner
- Dulcie May Faulkner
- Stewart Roderick Angus Ferguson
- Arthur Gordon Fielder
- Basil Fitzgerald
- Vesey Fitzgerald
- Bortolomeo (Bortolo) Flematti
- Denzil Dale Fletcher
- Robert Henry Fletcher
- William Randall Foggon
- George Douglas Follett
- John Lewis Foster
- Raymond Foster
- Henry Victor (Harry) Fowler
- Norman Henry Napier Fowler
- Victor Wallace Fowler
- Beryl Marian Francis
- Henry Victor Francis
- Mervyn Joseph Francis
- Ruby Joyce Francis
- Joseph Frankel
- Viola Shirley Franklin
- Arthur Donald Free
- Francis William French
- Patricia Frances French
- Henry (Neil) Fretwell
- Dennis Douglas Frye
- Alfred Hansford Fuller
- Jack Raymond Fuller
- Mavis Irene Fuller
- Albert Kitchener Funnell
- Edgar Walter Gale
- Edgar John Gale
- Hubert James (Jim) Gale
- Robert Gale
- Nathaniel Fergus Gallager
- William John Gardener
- John Harold Garnett
- George Garratt
- Stanley Garrett
- Thomas John Geary
- William Stewart Geary
- George Allan Gibbs
- Leo Gibbs
- David Gibson
- John Reginald Gillespie
- Kenneth William Gilmour
- Ralph Godfrey
- Kathleen Winifred Golby
- Leonard Edward Golding
- George Laverick Gordin
- David Gordon
- John Gordon
- Ronald Arthur Grafham
- Rosemary Kathleen Graham
- David Edward Kitchener Granberg
- Charles William (Tiny) Gray
- David Peter Gray
- Robert Edward Gray
- Frank Green
- Albert Charles Gregory
- Alfred James Gregory
- Edith May Gregory
- Stanley Charles Gregory
- William Rice Gregory
- Edward Hamilton Gregson
- John Rowland Griffiths
- Frederick Arnold Griffiths
- Tom Shelley Griffiths
- William Boyd Griffiths
- David Gwynne
- Marie Marguerite Gwynne
- Ronald Gwynne
- Spencer Gwynne DCM MID
- Alan Wesley Hain
- Florence Hall
- William Hall ww2
- Thomas Robert Halliday
- Edward Halpern
- Samuel Battle Hammond
- Stanley Upton Hammond
- Charles Armstrong Hanbury
- John Alfred Vernon Hanbury
- William Frederick Hanbury
- Stanley Hubert Hancock
- Wilfred Leslie Hancock
- Alfred Ensor Hand
- Bernice Lydia Hand
- John Milton Hand
- Charles Henry Walter Hansen
- George Henry Harden
- Leslie George Harden
- Edward Alfred Harper
- Alexander James Harris
- Allan Cuthbert Harris
- William James (Jim) Harrison
- Helen (Nell) Hart
- Margaret (Peg) Hart
- William John (Bill) Hart
- William John (Jack) Hart MID
- Robert Hassett
- Bernard Alphonsus Hastie
- Michael Courthope Haynes
- Willam Aubrey Caddel Hayward
- William Robert Hayward
- Claude Dominic Hemy
- Gerard Henzell Straughan Hemy
- Donald Campell William Henderson
- Helen Catherine Henderson
- Raymond Douglas Hibben
- Francis (George) Hicks MM
- Kenneth Graham Hicks
- Kevin James Higgins
- Harold Higham
- Harold Herman Hilbert
- John Edward Hill
- Peter Hill
- William James Hills
- John Hinsley
- Lewis Hinsley
- Arthur George Selwin Hitchings
- Frank Arthur Hodges
- Percy Sydney Holman
- Bertie Alfred Holmes
- Cyril Arthur Holmes
- Walter James Holmes
- William Hooton
- Edgar Joseph Howard
- Emlyn George Howell
- Frederick Matthew Howlett
- Arthur Gordon Hubbard
- Lloyd Ryder Hughes
- Frederick Joseph Humphrey
- Angus Lenard Hurley
- Mary Evelyn Grace Hynes
- Robert Hynes
- Robert Evelyn Hynes
- Albert George Joseph Jackson
- Joseph George Lewis Jalli
- Angus Sherwood James
- Eric Deakin James
- Stanley George Jarick
- Stanley Rudolph Jarvis
- Harold Stanley Jenkins
- Thomas Charles Johnson
- Andrew David Johnson
- Bernard (Jim) Johnson
- Gordon Kevin Johnson
- William James Johnson
- William John Eric Johnson
- Albert Ernest Jolly
- Reginald William Jordan
- Maxwell Robert Joyner
- Nicholas Keating
- Barry Martin Keeley
- James Alexander Kierath MID
- Patrick John Kelly
- Reginald Robert Kennedy
- Walter David Francis Kerridge
- Cornielius Harold (Con) Kerrison
- Roy Kershaw
- Claude Vincent Kinsella
- Thomas Kavanagh Kinsella
- Malcolm Trevor Kitching
- Henry Edward Knapp
- William Henry Knox
- Curnow Andrew Knuckey
- Lloyd Parker Knuckey
- Richard Knuckey
- Gunter Krebs
- Kenneth Myers Kroenert
- Robert (Bob) Angus Lammonby
- James William Lannam
- Alexander Baird Larson
- William George Law
- John Ernest Law-Davis
- Albert George Lawrence
- Edward James (Jim) Lawrence
- Ernest Stanley Lawrence
- Frederick Charles Lawrence
- Frederick Lawrence
- Maurice Raymond Lawson
- Joseph Reginald Layton
- Edward Johnathon (Ted) Leadbitter
- John Francis Lean
- Frank Lillicott (Jim) Leaver
- Harry Leaver
- Norman Frederick Lee
- Mervyn Henry Lees
- Alwyn Raymond Liddell
- Ramsay MacDonald (Mack) Lightbody
- Paul Lilleyman
- John Raymond Little
- Jack Owen Lloyd
- George William Lockhead
- Bruce Donald Logan
- Daisy Ella Logan
- Joseph Logan
- Keith Lawrence Logan
- Vernon Agustus Longman
- John Roy Longmore
- Eaneas Malthais Lorenz
- Joseph Charles Lori
- Victor Charles Lowe
- Gwenyth Lorraine Margaret Lowick
- William John Lucas
- Jack Alfred Luff
- Donald Norman MacLeod Lyall
- William (George) Lyster