Returned to Australia ww2
From Our Contribution
Pages in category "Returned to Australia ww2"
The following 235 pages are in this category, out of 235 total.
- Harold Baldwin
- Marvin Redvers Cuthbert Barge
- Norman Denton Barrett
- Richard Barrett
- Stan John Barrett
- James William Basell
- Hubert Laurence Batt
- Graeme Patrick Benson
- Harry Wallace Benson
- Arthur George Berry
- William George Berry
- William Alfred George Bettesworth
- Austin John Bevis
- Brian Bevis
- Gavin Stirling Blackwood
- Macalister Adair Blain
- John Blair
- James Butler Boyd
- Gordon Boyle
- John Edward Bradley
- Francis Thomas Briggs
- Edmond Hepple Brown MID
- Noel Aubrey Brown
- Oliver Donald George Bruce
- Norman Gilbert Bryce
- Robert Thomas Buckenara
- Alan Gordon Buckingham
- Sidney John Thomas Buggins
- Jack David Bunney
- Allan Butcher
- Keith Butcher
- Raymond Henry Butcher
- Stanley Neil Butcher
- Jack Cameron
- Arthur Edward Cann
- Frederick Thomas Carlisle
- Herbert Patrick Carter
- Jack Cartwright
- Harold Chamberlain
- Ivan Milton Clarke
- James Henry Clarke
- Raymond Victor Clough
- John Coffey
- Billy Kendall Collins
- Ashley Claude George Moseley Cordy
- Frank Lindsay Cornish
- Ronald Hamilton Cornish
- Steven Ralph Cox
- Francis Victor Coyle
- John Hartley Craddon
- Edward Henderson Craghill
- John Francis (Jack) Cucel
- Arvonia (Jean) Curtis
- Harry Alfred Curtis
- Kenneth Roy Curtis
- William George Davis
- Frederick Haughton Dawson
- Antonio Del Borrello
- Gerald Kingsley Denny
- George Sydney Devereaux
- Rowland Basil Devereux
- Francis Tullan Kendall Dodds
- Mervyn Eric Doherty
- John Douglas (Doug) Donald
- Alan Kirwan Donaldson
- Clifford Stanley Douglas
- Denys Brettell Duke
- Wilfred Brettell Duke
- Ivan Lindsay Dunn
- Cyril John Dunnell
- Norman Lenard (Bob) Dunnell
- Donald Norrish MacDonald
- Stewart Chandler Mack
- Ian Stuart MacLean
- Clarence Malarkey
- Francis Malarkey
- Len Malarkey
- Edwin Reed Marshall
- Donald George Martin
- Ernest Gordon Martin
- Phillip Herbert Martin DFC & Bar
- William John Martin (16379)
- Kenneth William McCallum
- Lawrence Gerald McDonough
- James Brian McGurk
- Stanton Edward McKenna
- Arthur McVeigh
- Clifford Lawrence Braidwood McWhirter
- John Chadwick Meachem
- Frederick Thomas Orton Miller
- George Henry Millett
- Avon William Mills
- Douglas Joseph (Doug) Mills
- Ernest Emanuel Mills
- Keith Raymond Mills
- Sydney Eric Mills
- Harold Morgan
- Alec Charles Murphy
- John Arthur Wainwright
- Alfred William Walker
- Thomas John Walsh
- Herber Archibald Walton
- William George Ward
- James David Watts
- Eric William Wheatley
- James Gordon (Jock) Wheeler
- John Patrick Whitaker
- Percy Whittaker
- Andrew Wilkinson
- James Wilkinson
- Norman Rees Willacott MID
- Walter Roland Williams
- James Henry Ambrose Willis
- Eric Raymond Willison
- Edward Ernest Wilson
- Hector Charles Wood