
Martin Jull

From Our Contribution

Martin Jull
Martin Jull.jpg
Image courtesy of user trisha22
Headstone Information
Date of Birth 06 June 1905
Age at Death 8 days
Transcription In memory of Martin. Son of Martin & Roberta Jull (Armadale). Born June 6th 1905. Died June 14th 1905. "He shall gather the lambs with his arms and carry them into his bosom" ISA. 40.11.

Early Life

Martin Jull (Jnr) was born on 6 June 1905. Martin was a second child of Martin and Roberta Jull. The father Martin was head of the Public Works and Railways Departments and became the State's first Public Service Commissioner in 1905. Martin had a sister Henrietta Drake-Brockman b.1901.