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{{infobox soldier
| name           = Charles Frederick George Judd
| image           = [[File:Judd_Charles_FG.jpg|border|400px]]
| caption         = Sunday Times 3 Dec 1916 p.6
| title          =
| image2         =
| above          =
| caption2       =
| subheader      =
| dateofbirth   = 5 Nov 1884
| placeofbirth   = Waterloo, Victoria
| death           = 5 Sep 1963, aged 78
|  image        = [[File:Judd_Charles_FG.jpg|border|400px]]
| placeofdeath   = Yunderup, Western Australia
| caption       = Sunday Times 3 Dec 1916 p.6
| enlistmentage   = 31 years, 5 months
|   image2       =  
| description   = 5'8" (1.m) tall; weight 140 lbs (kg); tanned complexion, blue eyes, fair hair.
| caption2       =
| height          = 5'8" (1.m)
| weight          = 140 lbs
|headerstyle  = background:#ccf;
| complexion      = tanned
|labelstyle  = background:#ddf;
| eyes            = blue
|datastyle    =
| hair            = fair
| descriptionnote =  
| header1  = Personal Information
| occupation   = Farmer
| religion   = Methodist
|  label2  = Date of Birth
| address   = Jarrahdale, Western Australia
data2  = 5 Nov 1884
| relation   = Wife
| nextofkin      = Mrs Mary Elizabeth Jane Judd
|  label3  = Place of Birth
| regnumber   = [ 1854]
data3  = Waterloo, Victoria
| enlistmentdate = 30 Mar 1916
| rank           =  
| label4  = Death
| unit      = 44th Battalion, 2nd Reinforcement / 11th Brigade, 4th Division
|  data4  = 5 Sep 1963, aged 78
| embarkationdatefrom = 9 Aug 1916
| embarkationdateto = 25 Sep 1916
|  label5  = Place of Death
| shipembarked   = [[HMAT A28 Miltiades]]
data5  = Yunderup, Western Australia
| embarkedshipnote =
| embarkationdatefrom2 =
|  label6  = Age at Enlistment
| embarkationdateto2 =  
data6  = 31 years, 5 months
| shipembarked2   =
| embarkedshipnote2 =
|  label7  = Description
| dateofreturnfrom = 4 May 1917  
data7  = 5'8" (1.m) tall; weight 140 lbs (kg); tanned complexion, blue eyes, fair hair.
| dateofreturnto =  
| shipreturned    = [[HMAT A32 Themistocles]]
| label8  = Occupation
| shipreturnednote =
|   data8  = farmer
| dateofreturnfrom2 =
| dateofreturnto2 =  
| label9  = Religion
| shipreturned2    =
data9  = Methodist
| shipreturnednote2 =
| fate1           = Returned to Australia (medical)  
| label10  = Address
| fate2          =
data10  = Jarrahdale, Western Australia
| fate3          =
| fate4          =
| label11 = Next of Kin
| monument1   = none at present
|   data11 = Wife Mrs Mary Elizabeth Jane Judd
| monumentnote1  =
| monument2   =
| header12 = Military Information
| monumentnote2  =
| monument3   =
|  label13 = Reg Number
| monumentnote3  =
data13 = [ 1854]
| monument4   =
| monumentnote4  =
label14 = Date of Enlistment
| monument5   =
|  data14 = 30 Mar 1916
| monumentnote5  =
| monument6   =
| label15 = Rank
| monumentnote6  =
|   data15 =
| monumentawm    =
| monumentawmnote =
|  label16 = Unit/Formation
| monumentother  =
|  data16 = 44th Battalion, 2nd Reinforcement / 11th Brigade, 4th Division
| monumentothernote =
| medal1   = [[British War Medal]]
| label17 = Date of Embarkation
| medal2          =
|   data17 = 9 Aug 1916 - 25 Sep 1916
| medal3          =
| medal4          =
|  label18 = Ship Embarked On
data18 = [[HMAT A28 Miltiades]]
| label19 = Date of Return
data19 = 4 May 1917 -
label20 = Ship Returned On
|   data20 = [[HMAT A32 Themistocles]]
label21 = Fate
|   data21 = Returned to Australia (medical)
| label22 = Monument
data22 = none at present
| label23 = Medals
data23 = [[British War Medal]]

Revision as of 17:17, 25 September 2018

Charles Frederick George Judd
Judd Charles FG.jpg
Sunday Times 3 Dec 1916 p.6
Personal Information
Date of Birth 5 Nov 1884
Place of Birth Waterloo, Victoria
Death 5 Sep 1963, aged 78
Place of Death Yunderup, Western Australia
Age at Enlistment 31 years, 5 months
Description 5'8" (1.m) tall ; 140 lbs
63.503 kg
; tanned complexion ; blue eyes ; fair hair
Occupation Farmer
Religion Methodist
Address Jarrahdale, Western Australia
Next of Kin Wife , Mrs Mary Elizabeth Jane Judd
Military Information
Reg Number 1854
Date of Enlistment 30 Mar 1916
Unit/Formation 44th Battalion, 2nd Reinforcement / 11th Brigade, 4th Division
Date of Embarkation 9 Aug 1916 ‒ 25 Sep 1916
Ship Embarked On HMAT A28 Miltiades
Date of Return 4 May 1917
Ship Returned On HMAT A32 Themistocles
Fate Returned to Australia (medical)
Monument none at present
Medals British War Medal

Pre War

At Jarrahdale in 1906 Charles married Mary Elizabeth Jane Cousens, sister of five AIF members from Jarrahdale. Mary died 25 Nov 1942 aged 57 in Palmyra, Western Australia. Daughter Edith Dorothy May born in 1908 and married William James at Fremantle in 1925. Electoral Roll entries - 1910 Picton, labourer; 1912 - 1916 'Ucarty', Dowerin, farmer;

War Service

Entered Blackboy Hill camp on 30 mar 1916, and on 1 May he was allocated to the 5th reinforcement draft for the 51st Battalion, travelling with them on the Miltiades to England.

On arrival in England he was sent to the 11th Training Battalion at No 8 camp in Codford. At some point suffered with acute rheumatism and on 27 Dec 1916 Charles was sent to the No 4 Command Depot at Wareham before being sent to No. 2 Command Depot in Weymouth to await a ship for Australia.

In Australia he was admitted to the 8th Australian General Hospital in Fremantle from 24 Jun 1917 until 6 Sep 1917 before being discharged on medical grounds by the 5th Military District on 21 Sep 1917. (Rheumatism). Charles was granted a pension of 30/- fortnightly from 22 Sep 1917, his wife Mary a pension of 15/- fortnightly, and daughter Edith 10/- fortnightly.

Post War

Electoral Roll entries - 1922 - 1925 Mornington Mill, benchman; 1936 - 1937 West Murray, Pinjarra, fisherman; 1943 at 8 Elvira street, East Fremantle, carpenter; 1954 - 1958 Riverside Drive, North Yunderup, carpenter with Flossie Dunn (nee Newton) who he married in Mosman park during December 1944. Flossie died 25 Aug 1989 in Lesmurdie aged 96.


Brother in Law to: 5076 Pte Frank Ernest Cousins; 4995 Pte Herbert Dunbar Cousens; 15584 Spr Martin Nicholas Cousens; 4996 Pte Reuben Leeuwin Cousens; and 2148 Drv William Edwin Cousens.

External Links