64th Australian Dental Unit
From Our Contribution
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Brief History
In October 1942 provision was made for a 64th Australian Dental Unit to be attached to the 1st Armoured Division. It isn't clear when it was formed, but in December 1942 when two of its Sections moved from Victoria to Mullewa in Western Australia with the 3rd Motor Brigade Group. By March 1943 the 1st Armoured Division was at Mingenew, and the 64th Australian Dental Unit had its HQ Section, A Section, B Section, C Section and D Section move with the Division to Moora in August where they remained until June 1944 after which they moved back to Perth. Records cease in October 1944 when the armoured unit was disbanded, and while it is thought that the 64th Australian Dental Unit was probably disbanded at Northam at that time, Henry's records clearly show his transfer in to the 64th Australian Dental Unit on 5 Sep 1945, with the unit being disbanded n his absence (hospital) on 24 Jan 1947.
Unit Personnel
- Henry George Price 5 Sep 1945 - 24 Jan 1947
Content has come from The Unit Guide - Volume 6 - The Australian Army 1939-1945, pages 6.304 & 6.305 - Graham R McKenzie-Smith - Big Sky Publishing - 2018