3rd Division Signals Company
 Outdoor group portrait of soldiers of the 3rd Division Signal Company, 4th (Western Australian) Section. Identified back row, left to right: 10836 Driver Harry Dunn, farmer from Perth; 10848 Sapper Ernest Wilfred Nicholls, clerk from Perth; 10832 Sapper James Stewart 'Spot' Ashton, linotype operator from Perth; 10855 Sapper George Henry James Underwood, telephone mechanic from Maylands; 10849 Sapper Edward Leslie Reeves, railway clerk from North Fremantle; 10856 Driver John Vassie, contractor from Sandstone; 3rd row 10834 Lance Corporal (L Cpl) John Brown, warehouseman from Fremantle; 10833 Sapper Norman Beckley, postal assistant from Sandstone; 10842 2nd Corporal Thomas Houlden, telegraphist from Beverley (later awarded MM and bar); 10840 L Cpl Victor Vivian Hallissey, relief officer railways, from Wagin (later awarded MM); 10843 Sapper Herbert Hurley, postal employee from Harvey (later awarded MID); 10844 Sapper Walter Edward James, electrician from Cottesloe (later awarded MM); 10839 Driver Arthur Robert Green, linesman from Pinjarra; 2nd row 10838 Sapper Victor Robert Ford, salesman from Leederville; 10853 Sapper Arthur Tomlinson, telegraphist from West Northam; 10835 Sapper Sydney Cooper, postal assistant from Midland Junction; 10831 Sapper Edmund Abberton, telegraphist from Bunbury (died of illness 6 November 1918); 10847 Sapper William Robert Nicholas, civil servant from Claremont; 10845 Sapper Herbert George Jarman, civil servant from Fremantle; and 10850 Sapper Arthur Douglas Sinclair, bank officer from Claremont. Front row: 10841 2nd Corporal Ernest Joseph Hocking, clerk from Perth (later awarded MM); 10837 Sergeant (Sgt) Herbert Roy Evans, clerk from Perth; Lieutenant (Lt) Francis John Tuckett, telegraphist from Victoria Park East (later awarded MC then killed in action 14 October 1917); 10851 Sgt Ernest Borland Stanbury, draughtsman from North Fremantle (later promoted to Lt and awarded MBE); 10852 Cpl Eric Oswald Strang, telegraphist from Armadale; and 10846 Sapper Morris Hunter Munday, clerk from North Fremantle. |
Brief History
Originated as the No 3 Section, No 3 Divisional Signal Company which formed in South Australia during August and September 1915 before moving to Broadmeadows to receive specialist training as a part of the 8th Brigade. They shipped to Egypt aboard HMAT A11 Ascanius from Port Melbourne on 10 Nov 1915, and arrived and disembarked at Suez on 6 Dec 1915 and moved to Serapeum. The Company itself was formed in England with soldiers from New South Wales, Victoria, and several from the other states prior to travelling to France on Friday 24 Nov 1916. Following further travel, the Company arrived on Monday 27th at Steenwerck.
Under the command of Major General John Monash, the division was assigned to II ANZAC Corps. For the next two years they would take part in most of the major battles that the Australians fought on the Western Front. Twenty two men died while posted to this unit during WW 1.
Unit Personnel
Battle Honours
As for 3rd Division HQ
Individual Honours
- 7 x Military Cross
- 5 x Distinguished Conduct Medal
- 55 x Military Medal
- 4 x Bar to Military Medal
- 6 x meritorious Service Medal
- 15 x Mentioned in Despatches
- 1 x French Croix de Guerre
Content for the history and battle honours sections was came from a combination of Wikipedia and the Australian War Memorial websites.
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