
140th Australian Heavy Searchlight Troops

From Our Contribution


Brief History

This unit was formed following a re-organisation of 66th Searchlight Battery (Mixed) during September 1943 which resulted in 214th Medium Searchlight Troop; 139th Heavy Searchlight Troop; 140th Heavy Searchlight Troop; 141st Heavy Searchlight Troop and 142nd Heavy Searchlight Troop. Each of these units had a Volunteer Defence Corp (VDC) element as the VDC personnel had been training to man the Anti Aircraft defences since mid-1943. Detached from theri VDC Battalions, the Anti Aircraft units were led primarily by regular or militia officers and Senior NCOs.

Cockburn Sound was being developed as a naval bas eby early 1944, causing the area to be covered by searchlights being extended further to the south. These more southerly positions were manned by personnel from 66th Searchlight Battery (Mixed) which established HQ at Mt Brown. A minimal level of VDC personnel were used on these southern positions, and the position at Jandacot was manned by 139th Heavy ASearchlight Troops, the Mandogalup position by 140th Heavy Searchlight Troops, the Coogee position by the 141st Heavy Searchlight Troops, and the Garden Islan position by the 142nd Heavy Searchlight Troops.

In December 1944 Anti Aircraft defences in southern Australia were closed, but the AMF cadre of 66th Anti Aircraft Searchlight Battery was retained ot maintain the sites and equipment along with the cadre of 29th Australian Heavy Anti Aircraft Battery (Static). In May 1945 the unit was disbanded.

Unit Personnel


Content has come from The Unit Guide - Volume 3 - The Australian Army 1939-1945, pages 3.333 and 3.334 - Graham R McKenzie-Smith - Big Sky Publishing - 2018

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