
13th Australian Ordnance Stores Company

From Our Contribution


Brief History

This unit was raised in the Northern Territory in March 1942 with their HQs in Adelaide River. In May the ordnance depots were reorganised with the 8th Advanced Ordnance Depot moving to Mataranka withthe Store Company HQs. Detachments from the company manned the ordnance office at the larrimah railhead, 81st Forward Ordnance Depot at Adelaide River, 82nd Forward ordnance Depot at Darwin and the 83rd Forward Ordnance Depot at Katherine. The 83rd depot close din June 1943, and withthe reorganisation of ordnance depots in Novewmber 1944 this unti was absorbed into others.

Unit Personnel


Content has come from The Unit Guide - Volume 5 - The Australian Army 1939-1945, page 5.347 - Graham R McKenzie-Smith - Big Sky Publishing - 2018

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