
George Pridmore

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George Pridmore
Headstone Information
Date of Birth c1841
Age at Death 68


Goerge Pridmore's burial records list him as being a resident of Bedfordale. His address was listed as "36 mile, Albany Road" in a probate listing in the Western Mail, 19 June 1909. Other mentions in early newspapers have Mr Pridmore as living in Jarrahdale.


Listed as an Orchardist. He had also been a policeman serving at the 36-mile station in the late 1800s.


Depositions from March 1885 have Mr Pridmore stating that he had a wife and children. His daughter Lavinia, who also bore witness at the deposition, was mentioned specifically and in turn she mentioned that she had brothers.


George Pridmore died on 4 May 1909.


The George Pridmore who was buried at Kemscott Cemetery is thought to be the George Pridmore who was a police constable at the 36-mile station on the ALbany Road. Mr Pridmore left 447 pounds to Harriet Ann Richardson in his will. In November 1899, a coroner's jury in Jarrahdale heard a case in which a Mr George Pridmore and son Frank were charged with the killing of a Chinese man named Ah Tien, at 'the old lock-up' on the Albany Road sometime between October 8 and 16 in that year. The pair plead Not Guilty, but a verdict of Manslaughter was returned, with George Pridmore serving 6 months. It is strongly believed that that is the same George Pridmore.

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