

Difference between revisions of "Infobox soldier/doc"

From Our Contribution

< Template:Infobox soldier
(Full version)
(13 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 79: Line 79:
| embarkationdateto =  
| embarkationdateto =  
| shipembarked   =  
| shipembarked   =  
| embarkedshipnote =
| embarkationdatefrom2 =
| embarkationdateto2 =
| shipembarked2   =
| embarkedshipnote2 =
| dateofreturnfrom =  
| dateofreturnfrom =  
| dateofreturnto  =  
| dateofreturnto  =  
Line 85: Line 90:
| dateofreturnfrom2 =  
| dateofreturnfrom2 =  
| dateofreturnto2  =  
| dateofreturnto2  =  
| dateofreturnnote =
| shipreturned2    =  
| shipreturned2    =  
| shipreturnednote2 =
| shipreturnednote2 =
| dateofreturnfrom3 =
| dateofreturnto3  =
| shipreturned3    =
| shipreturnednote3 =
| fate1           =  
| fate1           =  
| fate2          =  
| fate2          =  
| fate3          =  
| fate3          =  
| fate4          =
| fate4          =
| fate5          =
| monument1   =  
| monument1   =  
| monumentnote1  =
| monumentnote1  =
Line 99: Line 110:
| monument4   =  
| monument4   =  
| monumentnote4  =
| monumentnote4  =
| monument5   =
| monumentnote5  =
| monument6   =
| monumentnote6  =
| monument7   =
| monumentnote7  =
| monumentawm    =
| monumentawmnote =
| monumentother  =
| monumentothernote =
| medal1   =
| medal1   =
| medalnote1      =
| medal2          =  
| medal2          =  
| medal3          =
| medal3          =
| medal4          =
| medal5          =
| medal6          =
| medal7          =
| medalnote      =
Line 228: Line 255:
; medal1 : Link to medals soldier was awarded or entitled to. Use a separate line for each medal ie. medal1 = <nowiki>[[British War Medal]]; medal2 = [[Victory Medal]]</nowiki>.
; medal1 : Link to medals soldier was awarded or entitled to. Use a separate line for each medal ie. medal1 = <nowiki>[[British War Medal]]; medal2 = [[Victory Medal]]</nowiki>.
; medalnote1 : used for '& bar' after Military Medal. For general notes use 'medalnote'.
; medalnote : Any notes about medals ie. 'held in trust' or 'lost'.

Latest revision as of 18:22, 25 March 2019

This template is used to create an infobox in an article about a soldier.


To use this template in an article, copy the template below, then paste the template into an article.

All parameters are optional – those you do not populate with data will not show up in the infobox when the article is saved.

Content parameters

Full version

Infobox soldier/doc
Personal Information
Date of Birth Not known
Place of Birth Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Death 19 March 1969
Place of Death Scotland
Age at Enlistment 29
Description 5'10" (1.78m) tall ; 144 lbs
65.317 kg
; fresh complexion ; blue eyes ; brown hair
Occupation Farmer
Religion Presbyterian
Address Fair View Farm, Beenup, Western Australia
Next of Kin Father , James Abernethy
Military Information
Reg Number 6283
Date of Enlistment 4 September 1916
Rank Private
Unit/Formation 28th Infantry Battalion, 18th reinforcement, 7th Bde, 2nd Div
Date of Embarkation 29 December 1916 ‒ 3 Mar 1917
Ship Embarked On HMAT A34 Persic
Date of Return 17 Oct 1919 ‒ 17 Oct 1919
Ship Returned On HMAT A37 Barambah
Fate WIA 4 Oct 1917 Broodseinde
WIA 1 Jun 1918 Morlancourt area
Returned to Australia
Medals British War Medal
Victory Medal

{{infobox soldier
| image           =
| caption         =
| image2          =
| caption2        =
| dateofbirth	  = 
| placeofbirth	  = 
| death	          = 
| placeofdeath	  = 
| enlistmentage	  = 
| description	  = 
| height          = 
| weight          = 
| complexion      = 
| eyes            = 
| hair            = 
| descriptionnote = 
| occupation	  = 
| religion	  = 
| address	  = 
| relation	  = 
| nextofkin       = 
| regnumber	  = 
| enlistmentdate  = 
| rank	          = 
| unit     	  = 
| embarkationdatefrom = 
| embarkationdateto = 
| shipembarked	  = 
| embarkedshipnote =
| embarkationdatefrom2 = 
| embarkationdateto2 = 
| shipembarked2	  = 
| embarkedshipnote2 =
| dateofreturnfrom = 
| dateofreturnto  = 
| shipreturned    = 
| shipreturnednote =
| dateofreturnfrom2 = 
| dateofreturnto2  = 
| dateofreturnnote =
| shipreturned2    = 
| shipreturnednote2 =
| dateofreturnfrom3 = 
| dateofreturnto3  = 
| shipreturned3    = 
| shipreturnednote3 =
| fate1	          = 
| fate2           = 
| fate3           = 
| fate4           =
| fate5           =
| monument1	  = 
| monumentnote1   =
| monument2	  = 
| monumentnote2   =
| monument3	  = 
| monumentnote3   =
| monument4	  = 
| monumentnote4   =
| monument5	  = 
| monumentnote5   =
| monument6	  = 
| monumentnote6   =
| monument7	  = 
| monumentnote7   =
| monumentawm     =
| monumentawmnote =
| monumentother   =
| monumentothernote =
| medal1	  =
| medalnote1      =
| medal2          = 
| medal3          =
| medal4          =
| medal5          =
| medal6          =
| medal7          =
| medalnote       =


{{infobox soldier
| image           = [[File:Unknown.png|400px|]]
| caption         =
| image2          =
| caption2        =
| dateofbirth	  = Not known
| placeofbirth	  = Aberdeenshire, Scotland
| death	          = 19 March 1969
| placeofdeath	  = Scotland
| enlistmentage	  = 29
| description	  = 5'10" (1.78m) tall, 144 lbs (65.3 Kg) weight; fresh complexion; blue eyes, brown hair
| height          = 5'10" (1.78m)
| weight          = 144 lbs
| complexion      = fresh complexion
| eyes            = blue
| hair            = brown
| occupation	  = Farmer
| religion	  = Presbyterian
| address	  = Fair View Farm, Beenup, Western Australia
| relation	  = Father
| nextofkin       = James Abernethy
| regnumber	  = [ 6283]
| enlistmentdate  = 4 September 1916
| rank	          = Private
| unit     	  = 28th Infantry Battalion, 18th reinforcement, 7th Bde, 2nd Div
| embarkationdatefrom = 29 December 1916
| embarkationdateto = 3 Mar 1917
| shipembarked	  = [[HMAT A34 Persic]]
| dateofreturnfrom = 17 Oct 1919
| dateofreturnto  = 17 Oct 1919
| shipreturned    = [[HMAT A37 Barambah]]
| fate1	          = WIA 4 Oct 1917 Broodseinde
| fate2           = WIA 1 Jun 1918 Morlancourt area
| fate3           = Returned to Australia 
| monument	  = [[Armadale War Memorial]]
| medal1	  = [[British War Medal]]
| medal2          = [[Victory Medal]]


Place here the image link you wish to display in image one. If no image exists use the unknown default image [[File:Unknown.png|border|400px]]
Caption for the above image
Place here an additional image link you wish to display under image one. If no image exists leave blank.
Caption for the above image. If no image exists leave blank.
Use the date of birth if known using DD MMM YYYY. If not known leave blank.
Place of birth if known. If not known leave blank.
Date of death if known using DD MMM YYYY. If not known leave blank.
Place of death if known. If not known leave blank.
Age at enlistment, as shown on enlistment papers.
Full description at enlistment, as shown on enlistment papers.
format in imperial with metric conversion in brackets ie. 5'10" (1.78m)
weight in lbs ie. 144 lbs
as appears on enlistment papers ie. 'fair'
just the colour eg. 'blue'
just the colour and any other descriptors ie. 'short brown'
any other notes eg. 'scar on chin'
Occupation at enlistment, as shown on enlistment papers. Remember to add Category:Occupation category to bottom of page.
Religion at enlistment, as shown on enlistment papers. Remember to add Category:Religion category to bottom of page.
Address as listed on enlistment papers.
Relationship to the Next of Kin ie. 'Father'
Next of Kin's name as listed on enlistment papers.
Reg number of soldier. Link out to National Archives of Australia digitised copy.
Date of enlistment as listed on enlistment papers.
Rank of soldier.
Unit/Battalion soldier belonged too. Remember to add Category:AIF Units category to bottom of page.
Date of embarkation start date.
Date of embarkation end date (if known).
Ship soldier embarked on. Link back to ship listing and update ship details to include a link back to soldier record.
Date soldier left on return journey. Leave blank if none.
Date soldier returned from journey. Leave blank if none.
Ship soldier returned on. Link back to ship listing and update ship details to include a link back to soldier record.
Any notes about the returned voyage eg. 'from Alexandria'.
Date soldier left on second return journey. Leave blank if none.
Date soldier returned from second journey. Leave blank if none.
Ship soldier returned from second journey on. Link back to ship listing and update ship details to include a link back to soldier record.
Any notes about the returned voyage second journey eg. 'from Alexandria'.
Fate of soldier. ie. Killed in Action; Prisoner of War; Returned to Australia. Remember to add appropriate fate categories to bottom of page. List each fate on a separate fate line ie. fate1 = WIA; fate2 = Returned to Australia. Has four spaces for fates ie. fate1, fate2, fate3, fate4.
Link to monuments soldier is listed on. Remember to update the monument page to include a link back to soldier record. Has three spaces for monuments ie. monument1, monument2, monument3.
Notes about monuments eg. 'West panel'. Change the number to reflect the monument note is about.
Link to medals soldier was awarded or entitled to. Use a separate line for each medal ie. medal1 = [[British War Medal]]; medal2 = [[Victory Medal]].
used for '& bar' after Military Medal. For general notes use 'medalnote'.
Any notes about medals ie. 'held in trust' or 'lost'.