
18th Australian Line of Command Signals

From Our Contribution


Brief History

In April 1942 8th Military District Signals was expanded to HQ New Guinea Force Signals' with 1 Company controlling wireless, line, operating and maintenance sections, while 2 Company was formed to handle the infantry, artillery and fortress signals. With the rapid build up that followed the Japanese advance south from Kokoda, the 1st Australian Corps Signals took over the operational side, with 1 and 2 Companies handling the expanded base area workload. In November with the immediate threat to Port Moresby over, the signals were re-organised with 1 Company the line company based at 12 mile, and 2 Company the operating company. Line Sections moved to Oto Bay, Kokoda, Bulldog, Milne Bay and along the Port Moresby/Inonda/Dobodura line as well as in the Port Moresby and Dobodura base area. From November the control of the strategic line construction beyond Morobe was handed to 19th Line of Communications Signals. Several other key lines were constructed including a connection to Australia via submarine cable from Cape York with its operation manned by 3rd Carrier Maintenance Section who moved to Lae in December 1944.

While Lae had now become the major centre of activity 18th Line of Communication Signals remained in Port Moresby, adding and subtracting Line and Maintenance sections a required to manage the signals traffic until June 1945 when it moved to Lae, with 1 Company handling line maintenance, and 2 Company which had remained in Port Moresby managed the line to Australia. 1 Company remaine din Lae until the completion of the war.

Unit Personnel


Content has come from The Unit Guide - Volume 4 - The Australian Army 1939-1945, pages 4.402 & 4.403 - Graham R McKenzie-Smith - Big Sky Publishing - 2018

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