
SS Königin Luise

From Our Contribution

Revision as of 18:53, 16 August 2017 by Linton (talk | contribs) (England to Fremantle 21 June - 3 August 1919)
SS Königin Luise slwa b2287 043 5.jpg
SLWA photo B2287 043 5
Name SS Königin Luise
Builder/Built 1896 AG Vulcan Steettin, Germany
Type Ocean Liner (twin screw)
Displacement 10,566 tons
Speed 15 knots


Built for the North German Lloyd (NDL) Line, and used on the Australian, Far East and North Atlantic routes.

Bottled up in German ports during WW1, she was part of the German reparations to Britain after the war.

Sold to the Orient Steam Navigation Company, they renamed her SS Omar in 1921, before selling her in 1924 to the Byron Steam Ship Co of London who called her the SS Edison.

Scrapped in Italy during 1935.

Soldiers carried

England to Fremantle 21 June - 3 August 1919

England to Fremantle 18 December 1919 - 20 January 1920