
5th Military District Accounts Office

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Brief History

Raised as part of the pre-war preparations, from their Subiaco base they managed Accounting, pay and audit functions in Western Australia. Following full mobilisation in December 1941 they expanded in February 1942 to form the 8th Depot Cash Office, and operated detachments at static sites around the state. In May 1942 they were renamed WA Line of Communications Area Accounts Office, and in November the detachments became separate units: 43 Depot Cash Office at Claremont; 44 Depot Cash Office on Rottnest Island; 45 Depot Cash Office at Geraldton; and 46 Depot Cash Office at Northam. In February 1943 65 Depot Cash Office was formed at Claremont, and the 43rd Depot Cash Office moved to Melville Camp.

In June 1943 their name was changed to District Accounts Office - Western Australia and in July 45 Depot Cash Office at Geraldton moved to Guildford, and then to Melville to take over from 43 Depot cash Office which was disbanded. As troops left WA, the need for the Cash offices was reduced and in January, 44, 45, and 46 Depot Cash Offices were disbanded. 65 Depot Cash Office then moved to Karrakatta to cover the whole Perth area, and was disbanded in August 1945 with the end of the war.

Unit Personnel


Content has come from The Unit Guide - Volume 6 - The Australian Army 1939-1945, pages 6.449 and 6.450 - Graham R McKenzie-Smith - Big Sky Publishing - 2018

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