
Difference between revisions of "Gosnells Road Board Honour Roll"

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(Gosnells Road BoardHonour RollGreat War 1914-18)
(Gosnells Road BoardHonour RollGreat War 1914-18)
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==Monument Details==
==Monument Details==
===Gosnells Road Board<br />Honour Roll<br />Great War 1914-18===
===Gosnells Road Board<br />Honour Roll<br />Great War 1914-18===
Not in strict alpha order. The names are in the order that they appear on the Honour Roll<br>
* [[Phillip Selwyn Allen]]
* † [[Jim Anderson]] [[Best match]]
* [[Ernest Ball DCM]]
* † [[Frank Ball]]
* † [[William George Ball]]  Listed as Ball W
* [[Albert William Barratt]]
* [[Clement Wilder Benporath]] Listed as Benporath C
* † [[George Rowland Benton]] Listed as Benton G
* [[Joseph George Benton Jnr]]
* [[Leonard Frederick Bysh]] Listed as Bish L [[Spelling of surname]]
* † [[Sydney Fenner Blencowe]]  Listed as Blencow S
* [[John Esperance Blair]] Listed as Blair J
* † [[Walter Bell Blair]] Listed as Blair W
* [[Thomas Allan Bottrell]]
* [[Gordon Walter Bone]] Listed as Bone G
* [[Alan Harry Boyce]] Listed as Boyce A
* † [[David Edward Bromley]] † Listed as Bromley D
* [[John McLeod Brown]] Listed as Brown J
* Buckland C [[not yet matched to records]]
* [[John Thomas Buckland]] Listed as Buckland J
* †[[Henry William Buckland]]  Listed Buckland H
* [[Samuel Buckland]]
* [[William Buckland]] [[Did not leave Australia]]
* † [[James Willie Bush]]  Listed as Bush L †
* [[Allahbuse Jan Butt]] Listed as Butt G
* [[Albert Edward Victor Byfield]] Listed as Byfield A
* [[Ernest Camp]]
* [[Henry Joseph Carroll]]
* [[Alfred Warburton Chapman (Snr)]] Listed as Chapman A P
* [[Oswald Chorlton]]
* [[Cecil James Clark]] Listed as Clarke C
* [[Sidney Charles Clarke]] Listed as Clarke E
* [[Walter Eugene Cockram]]
* Coombs F [[Listed in original pamphlet - believed to be duplicate of WF Combs]]
* [[William Francis Combs]] Listed as Coombs W [[Spelling of surname]]
* [[George Conway MID]]
* [[Roslyn Christopher Coulston]] Listed as Coulston R
* [[Francis Crowe]]
* † [[Ernest Rulle Dalziell]]
* [[George Chistopher Dalziell DCM]]
* † [[Walter Edward Dalziell]]
* [[William Thomas Driver]] Listed as Driver D
* [[Arthur Frederick William Eivers]] Listed as Eivers AF
* † [[Albert Ernest Elkington]]
* Ellis [[Likely to relate to Ellis Henry Hill]]
* [[Hilton Ward Ennis MID]]
* Evans J [[not yet matched to records]]
* [[David Lewis Fagence]] [[Did not leave Australia]]
* [[Charles Franklyn Fuhrmann]] Listed as Firman C
* [[John Flynn]]
* [[Harry Simpson Francis]] Listed as Francis H
* [[William Henry Gibbs]]
* [[Percy Goodall]]
* [[Henry Arthur Grinsell]]
* [[John Richard (Jack) Hall]] Listed as Hall J
* [[Henry Melville Hardinge]] Listed as Hardinge M
* [[Hardinge TH]] Father of HM - 60 years of age in 1914. Fluent in German so may have been used as an interpreter by the Army.
* [[Sidney Hart]]
* [[Matthew Harwood]]
* [[Walter Hayward]]
* † [[Alexander Keith Hedger]]
* [[Albert Helliwell]]
* [[Roby Helliwell]]
* [[Thomas Hetherington]] Listed as Hetherington F
* [[Leslie Hetherington]]
* [[Cecil Arthur Hill MM]] Listed as Hill C
* [[Ellis Henry Hill]] [[see Ellis]]
* [[George Alfred Hill]] Listed as Hill G
* Hill [[not yet matched with records]]
* [[John Henry Holroyd]]
* [[George Henry Holroyd]]
* † [[Fritz Robert Jaentsch]] † Listed as Jaentsch R
* [[Selby Hartwell James]] Listed as James S
* [[Benjamin Jones]]
* [[John George (Jack) Keenan]] Listed as Keenan J
* [[Basil Kelley]] Listed as Kelly B
* † [[Arthur George Kettley]]
* [[Patrick Kiely]] Listed as Kieley P
* [[John William King]]
* † [[Osborne King]] 
* [[Francis Henry Kingston]] Listed as Kingston L
* † [[Elmer Winfred Drake Laing MC]] † Listed as Lang EW 
* [[James Lang]] [[best match]]
* [[James Henry Larkin]] Listed as Larkin, no initial
* [[William Alfred Leaver MC MM]] Listed as Lever W
* [[Beverley John Liddelow]]
* [[Arthur Thomas Lester]] Listed as Lister A
* † [[Charles Leonard Lockhart]] 
* † [[Ernest Edward Lockhart]] † Listed as Lockhart E
* [[Robert Arthur Lock]] Listed as Lock HW [[Remained in Australia]]
* [[George Wales McGillivray]] Listed as Mac Gilvray
* [[Catherine Ann McGillivray]] Listed as Mac Gilvray Miss
* † [[Cecil Herbert McKeown]] † Listed as McKeown C 
* [[Jesse Thomas Manser]] Listed as Manser J
* † [[Ernest James Mead]] † Listed as Mead E 
* [[Albert Hughes Michel]] Listed as Michel A
* Morris A [[no matching records]]
* [[William Bertie Claude Moulden]] Listed as Moulden C
* [[William George Munday]] Listed as Mundy G
* [[John Murray]] Listed as Murray
* [[Wesley Edgar Nankivell]] Listed as Nankivell WA [[Did not leave Australia]]
* [[Reuben Douglas Naughton]] Listed as Naughton
* [[Reginald Alfred Nicholas MBE]] Listed as Nicholas R
* † [[Edward Mordan Neale]]  Listed as Neale EM
* † [[Ernest Clifford Noyce]] 
* [[Thomas Allan O'Dea]] Listed as O'Dea T
* [[William Richard (Billy) Orr]]
* [[James Francis Ottaway]] Listed as Ottaway J
* [[Frank Richard Paramor MBE]] [[served in British Army]]
* † [[Alfred Parker]]
* [[George Partington]] Listed as Partington
* [[Henry Ivor Passmore DCM]]
* [[John Arthur Patterson MM]] Listed as Paterson J
* [[Alfred Haddy Pearse]] Listed as Pearce A
* † [[Hector Louis Polain]]
* [[Joseph Pulford]]
* [[Albert John Llewellyn Reed]]
* [[Edwin Lawrence Reed]]
* [[Ernest William George Reed]]
* [[Herbert James Reed]]
* † [[Thomas Alfred Reed]]
* † [[William Edward Reed]] Listed as Reed W †
* † [[Lawrence Adrian Renou DCM]]  Listed as Renou L †
* [[Sidney John Richards]] Listed as Richards S
* [[Nicholas Joseph Rosekelly]]
* [[William George Rosekelly]] listed as Rosekelley WC
* † [[David Alexander Sayer]]  Listed as † Sayers D 
* [[Francis William Swann]] Listed as Schwan [[Best match]]
* † [[George Scrivener]] 
* † [[Henry Seddon]] 
* † [[Frank Leslie Sexton]] 
* † [[Roland Parker Shelley]] 
* [[Archibald Shepherd]]
* [[Ephraim Shepherd]]
* [[Harold Shepherd MID]]
* [[John (Junior) Shepherd]] Listed as Shepherd J
* [[John (Senior) Shepherd]] Listed as Shepherd J
* [[William Arthur Shepherd]] Listed as W Shepherd
* [[Josiah James Skinner]] Listed as Skinner J
* [[Francis William Singleton]] Listed as Singleton F
* [[Charles Henry Smith]] [[Best match]]
* † [[Herbert Charles Smith]]  Listed as Smith H 
* † [[Albert Squire]]  Listed as Squires AE 
* [[John Donald Stalker]]
* [[Mervyn Alexander Stalker]]
* † [[William Lionel Stalker]]  Listed as Stalker LW 
* [[Edward William Tink]] Listed as Tink E
* † [[Samuel Simpson Thompson]] 
* [[William John Thompson]]
* [[William Thomson]]
* [[George Thomson]]
* [[James Thomson MM]]
* [[Arnold Thorp]]
* [[Henry Albert Thorp]] Listed as Thorpe H
* † [[Hubert Harris Thorp]]  Listed as Thorpe HH 
* [[George Turner]] [[best match]]
* † [[Arthur John Verrall]]  Listed as Verall A 
* Verrall W [[Not included on original, no matching records]]
* [[Peter Grant Watt]]
* [[John Grant Watt MM & Bar]]
* [[James Arthur (Artie) Williams]] Listed as Williams A
* † [[Richard John Williams]]  Listed as Williams J 
* [[Norman John Weir]] Listed as Weir N
==Names that could be added==
*[[Phillip Selwyn Allen]]
* [[Coney Stanley Victor]] - Included in original 1936 pamphlet
*Anderson J † [[not yet matched with records]]
*[[Ernest Ball DCM]]
*[[Frank Ball]] †
* Ball W  [[not yet matched with records]]
*[[Albert William Barratt]]
*[[Clement Wilder Benporath]] Listed as Benporath C
*[[George Rowland Benton]] Listed as Benton G
*[[Joseph George Benton Jnr]]
*[[Leonard Frederick Bysh]] Listed as Bish L [[Spelling of surname]]
*[[Sydney Fenner Blencowe]] † Listed as Blencow S †
*[[John Esperance Blair]] Listed as Blair J
*[[Walter Bell Blair]] Listed as Blair W
*[[Thomas Allan Bottrell]]
*[[Gordon Walter Bone]] Listed as Bone G
*[[Alan Harry Boyce]] Listed as Boyce A
*[[David Edward Bromley]] † Listed as Bromley D †
*[[John McLeod Brown]] Listed as Brown J
*Buckland G [[not yet matched to records]]
*[[John Thomas Buckland]] Listed as Buckland J
*[[Henry William Buckland]] †  Listed Buckland H
*[[Samuel Buckland]]
*[[William Buckland]] [[Did not leave Australia]]
*[[James Willie Bush]] † Listed as Bush L †
*[[Allahbux Jan Butt]] Listed as Butt G
*[[Albert Edward Victor Byfield]] Listed as Byfield A
<br />
*[[Ernest Camp]]
*[[Henry Joseph Carroll]]
*[[Alfred Warburton Chapman (Snr)]] Listed as Chapman A P
*[[Oswald Chorlton]]
*[[Cecil James Clark]] Listed as Clarke C
*Clarke L [[not yet matched with records]]
*[[Walter Eugene Cockram]]
*Coombs F [[Listed in original pamphlet - believed to be duplicate of WF Combs]]
*[[William Francis Combs]] Listed as Coombs W [[Spelling of surname]]
*Coney S [[Included in original pamphlet]]
*[[George Conway MID]]
*[[Roslyn Christopher Coulston]] Listed as Coulston R
*[[Francis Crowe]]
<br />
*[[Ernest Rulle Dalziell]] †
*[[George Chistopher Dalziell DCM]]
*[[Walter Edward Dalziell]] †
*[[William Thomas Driver]] Listed as Driver D
<br />
*[[Arthur Frederick William Eivers]] Listed as Eivers AF
*[[Albert Ernest Elkington]] †
*Ellis [[Likely to relate to Ellis Henry Hill]]
*[[Hilton Ward Ennis MID]]
*Evans J
<br />
*Fagence DL
*Firman C
*Flynn J
*Francis H
<br />
*Gibbs WH
*Grinsell HA
*Goodall P
<br />
*Hall J
*Hardinge M
*Hardinge TH
*Hart S
*Harwood M
*Hayward WH
*Hedger AK †
*Helliwell A
*Helliwell R
*Hetherington F or E
*Hetherington L
*Hill C
*Hill G
*Holroyd JH
*Holroyd GH
<br />
*Jaentsch R †
*James S
*Jones B
<br />
*Keenan J
*Kelly B
*Kettley AG †
*Kieley P
*King JW
*King O
*Kingston L
<br />
*Lang EW †
*Lang J
*Lever W
*Liddelow BJ
*Lister A
*[[Charles Leonard Lockhart]] †
*Lockhart E †
*Lock HW [[Not included on original]]
<br />
*Mac Gilvray
*Mac Gilvray Miss
*McKeown C †
*Manser J
*Mead E †
*Michel A
*Morris A
*Moulden C
*Mundy D
<br />
*Nankivell WA
*Nicholas R
*Neale EM †
*Noyce EC †
<br />
*O'Dea T
*Orr WR
*Ottaway J
<br />
*Paramor F
*Parker A
*Passmore HI
*Paterson J
*Pearce A
*Polain HL †
*Pulford J
<br />
*Reed AJL
*Reed EL
*Reed EWG
*Reed HJ
*Reed TA
*[[William Edward Reed]] † Listed as Reed W †
*Renou L †
*Richards S
*Rosekelly NJ
*Rosekelly WC
<br />
*Sayers D †
*[[George Scrivener]] †
*[[Henry Seddon]] †
*Sexton FL †
*Shelley RR †
*Shepherd A
*Shepherd E
*Shepherd H
*[[John (Junior) Shepherd]] Listed as Shepherd J
*[[John (Senior) Shepherd]] Listed as Shepherd J
*[[William Arthur Shepherd]] Listed as W Shepherd
*Skinner J
*Singleton F
*Smith CH
*Smith H †
*Squires AE †
*Stalker JD
*Stalker MA
*Stalker LW †
<br />
*Tink E
*Thompson SS †
*Thompson WJ
*Thomson W [[Listed in original pamphlet - believed to be duplicate of WJ Thompson]]
*Thomson G
*Thomson J
*Thorpe A
*Thorpe H
*Thorpe HH †
*Turner G
<br />
*Verall A †
*Verall W [[Not included on original]]
<br />
*Watt PG
*Watt JD
*Williams A
*Williams J †
*Weir N
==Names not included but should be considered for future addition==
==Names not included but could be considered for future addition==
*[[Frederick James Allison MM]]
* [[Frederick James Allison MM]]
*[[James Baillie]]
* [[James Baillie]]
*[[Edward Patrick Barker]]
* [[Edward Patrick Barker]]
*[[Arthur Reginald Barrett]]
* [[Arthur Reginald Barrett]]
*[[Percival (Peter) Clement Bassett]]
* [[Percival (Peter) Clement Bassett]]
*[[Joseph George Benton Snr]]
* [[Joseph George Benton Snr]]
*[[George Edward Binns]] Listed on School roll as G Bennis
* [[George Edward Binns]] Listed on School roll as G Bennis
*[[Alfred Warburton Chapman (Jnr)]]
* [[Alfred Warburton Chapman (Jnr)]]
*[[Edward Augustus Davis]]
* [[Stanley Victor Coney]]
*[[Frank Orlando Dawson]]
* [[Edward Augustus Davis]]
*[[Francis Dyson]]
* [[Frank Orlando Dawson]]
* [[James Smith Dean]]
* [[William Thomas Driver]]
* [[Francis Dyson]] †
* [[Leslie Norman Elkington]]
* [[Harold Empsall]]
* [[Frederick George Gibbs]]
* [[Lionel William Gibbs]]
* [[Charles Gorringe]]
* [[Arthur William Griffin]] †
* [[George Harris]]
* [[William Harwood]] †
* [[William Joseph Hayden]]
* [[Walter Robert Hayes]]
* [[Terry de Bohun Helm]]
* [[Harry Hodgson]]
* [[Edward Hobson]]
* [[Ernest Wright Holroyd]]
* [[Thomas Charles Howard]]
* [[John Huntley]] †
* [[Percy Francis Keenan]]
* [[Charles Kelly]]
* [[John Kiely]]
* [[George William Liddington]]
* [[Cyril Lowth MM]]
* [[Samuel Thomas Lowth]]
* [[Thomas Herbert Ludlow]]
* [[Henry Herbert Markham]]
* [[Victor Henry Marshall]]
* [[Charles Henry Murray]]
* [[James Richard Parry (Dick) Murray]]
* [[Harry Pickard]]
* [[George William Piesley]]
* [[Arthur Pilgrim]]
* [[Robert Poole]]
* [[John Thomas Ryle]]
* [[Henry John Robert Saint]]
* [[Henry Giles Schmidt]]
* [[Frank Sugden]]
* [[Matthew Walsh]]
<references />

Latest revision as of 22:07, 1 August 2023

RSL Honour Board 3.jpg
photo courtesy Gosnells Local Studies Library
Monument Details
Name Gosnells RSL Honour Board
Location Gosnells RSL Club
Dedication Date 28 Jun 1936


The Gosnells Honour Board commemorating 161 men of the district was unveiled in the Maddington Hall by the State President of the Returned Soldiers League, Mr Yeates. The former honour roll had been destroyed by fire some years before and the new roll was provided by the Gosnells Road Board and the Gosnells Sub-Branch of the RSL. [1]

The original Roll was dedicated on Sunday 28 Jun 1936.

There are five discrepancies between the names listed in the original pamphlet covering the unveiling and the current board held by the Gosnells RSL. A total of 161 names are included in the pamphlet, while only 160 names appear on the Honour Board. On the current day Honour Board, but not included in the pamphlet are: Locke HW, and Verrall W. Names included in the pamphlet, but not on the Honour Board are: Coombs W., Coney S., and Thomson W.


Held in the Gosnells RSL building at 2 Mills road, Gosnells.


Ornate timber structure with individual names punched into brass plates and tacked onto board, generally but not entirely in alphabetical order.

Monument Details

Gosnells Road Board
Honour Roll
Great War 1914-18

Not in strict alpha order. The names are in the order that they appear on the Honour Roll




















Names that could be added

Names not included but could be considered for future addition


  1. The West Australian (Perth) 30th June 1936.